Departure Support

Making Your Move Out Smooth and Stress-Free

Leaving a rental property and relocating can be just as stressful as moving in.

At AussieOS, our Departure Services are designed to provide comprehensive support, making the transition from your current home as seamless as possible. From pre-inspection checks to finalising utility cancellations, we take care of all the details so you can focus on the next chapter of your journey. Whether you need full pre-inspection support or just a final walk-through, we’re here to ease the burden for you and your family.

Needs Assessment and Consultation

  • Initial telephone consultation to assess your specific departure needs

  • Guidance on move-out condition expectations

Property Walk-Through

  • Preliminary property inspection prior to the final inspection

  • Final walk-through of your rental property to ensure everything is in order

Utility and Subscription Management

  • Assistance with cancelling utilities, telephone services, and memberships

  • Coordination for mail and telephone forwarding services

Logistics Support

  • Arranging rental furniture pick-up, if required

  • Support with selling cars, major appliances, and other items

Additional Assistance

  • Help with obtaining school records for children

  • Support with closing bank accounts

  • Referrals for final housecleaning services, if needed

Our tailored departure services ensure that every detail is handled with care, making your move out as stress-free as possible. Let us take the hassle out of your relocation, so you can focus on what matters most.

What we offer

Let us help you find package that's right for you.